Thursday, September 27, 2012


This summer the flowers were inspiring at the farmers market in West Tisbury.  So yes there are more flowers spilling from my brush. My watercolor palette is awash in every hue.

I am also liking this smaller size at the moment..........10 x 13.....I am able to focus on seed pods

                                                         VIRGINIA BLUEBELL
                                                VIRGINIA BLUEBELL ( painted in orange, an artists license)

I am obviously having fun with the decorative shapes of the flowers and seed pods, so why not play
with the color as well. Below is a closer look at the details.

the moths are soooo graphic

ROSA RUGOSA and lovely seed pods

CLEMATIS  with funny seed pods


This is the most beautiful of flowers. Went to the farmers market with a dear friend and we both fell head over heels in love with pale pink LYSIANTHUS.

Will close with a few insects to end this new series.

They all measure 10 x 13 ..........the framed prints are 210.00 each     Hope you enjoyed seeing them.                                                                        


I will dedicate this page to the critters that I am beginning to paint. They are more challenging than the flowers and livelier too.

                                                                         THE FRENCH RABBIT

He hangs in a little spot in my kitchen and makes me look like a serious cook

                                                          THE MOTHS on cream


                                                           THE MOTHS  on natural

 In the barn bathroom on a pine wall.......or beach house, library, boy's get the picture.

They look great in gold frames as well.

Something new on my drawing board are the birds. Once again I have tried painting them on patterned
background  paper................quite decorative I think with the rich coloring of the birds.

They are handsome fellows............MR ROBIN     and     MR WOOD THRUSH

The Rabbit and the Birds are 5 x 7  and the Moths are 7 x 7..............the framed prints are 155.00 each



This time I chose to paint each painting a bit smaller, thinking they might fit well in smaller spaces.
I am really enjoying this series of Botanicals, must say I am loving painting the beautiful markings on the insects.

These are the close ups of the BUGS!  




MORNING GLORY and CARNATION make a fine pair, hung one above the other, like so.

More close -ups of CARNATION

These marvelous photos are done by my new daughter Linda (can't bear to call her daughter-in-law)

She also taught me how to write a Blog.........check out her blog www.MapleAveGazette.blogspot

                                                     The MOTHS ONE (more to come)

A detail of one of the above moths...........
I know there will be more to follow, for they are wonderful to paint. Nature is amazing.

The three selections on this page are 10 x 13 framed in gold............210.00 each framed print.

Painting on Martha's Vineyard

After many years working as an interior designer, I have turned to my original passion of painting.  Working with beautiful homes and lovely people was a most satisfying endeavor. The rooms and homes were like paintings, awash with gorgeous colors and fabrics. Although my scale is much smaller, the colors now flow from my brush.

Always delighted by the flora and fauna of the Dutch masters, my work honors them in a contemporary way. So it is no surprise that I have created a series of flowers, seed pods, insect and butterflies that bring nature indoors. So once again, I am creating adornments for our homes. I remain a steadfast lover of houses, even as I paint.

May you enjoy my collection of watercolors which I have had printed and framed and hope they inspire you to feather your nest.

These are painted on a charming wall covering background................pale blue of course.


Click to enlarge even more if you wish                                                 


Detail of the moths on blue background of HONEYSUCKLE

Painted another pair on a pink ground 


Loved painting this pair on pink



REGAL LILY                                                         GRAPE HYACINTH

These are the very first two that I painted and was so pleased with the colors on ivory.





DETAIL of the flowers........................................

and the bugs.....................

As you can see the TRUMPET VINE and PRIMULA have warmer colors and look well together.

All of the above prints are 12 x 16 and framed in gold and priced at 255.00 each